Gold Medal Models 1/350 TAKAO 350-42
Contains custom fitted and highly detailed main deck and upper deck railings featuring a “drooped chain” appearance; additional railings in several other styles with some sections pre-sized and pre-shaped to fit upper decks, and others offering a choice of simulated canvas coverings for searchlight platforms, etc.; pre-sized rails for the tops of the main gun turrets; two pairs of midships aircraft catapults in two different styles with full interior detailing; aircraft trolleys with shuttles in two styles, aircraft & boat crane with rigging and hook.
Also includes chocks, rails,& other details for the ship’s boats; struts, propellers, & other details for all ship’s aircraft types; operators’ seats, gunsights, & controls for several types of 25mm antiaircraft guns; three radars of two types; pre shaped and precisely-fitted maintenance footrails and funnel cap grilles for the funnels; correctly-detailed replacement forward funnel brace structure; accurately detailed yardarms; plus the usual assortment of vertical and inclined ladders, watertight doors, cable reels, eyebolts, turnbuckles, boat davit rigging, and many other fittings.